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Coque Iphone X Lion roi Simba
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Coque Iphone X Lion roi Simba Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits. -
Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask MINI [Berry] Kit Set (3 opzioni)
Descrizione: - Cure speciali con Lip Sleeping Mask! Berry Mix ComplexTM ricco di vitamina C, contenente estratti di lampone, fragola, mirtillo rosso e mirtillo, cancella la pelle morta secca e squamosa sulle labbra durante la notte per realizzare labbra lisce ed elastiche il mattino successivo. 1. Berry Mix Complex Gli estratti di bacche ricchi di vitamina C e antiossidanti agiscono sulle labbra secche e ruvide, rendendole lisce ed elastiche. 2. IMPACCO DI IDRATAZIONE La rete di minerali di acido ialuronico forma un film idratante che aiuta a trattenere i principi attivi e la pelle ad assorbire e trattenere l'umidità durante la notte. 3. Fragranza dolce e fruttata ai frutti di bosco Fragranza dolce e rilassante che ha un profumo così delizioso che ti ricorda i veri frutti di bosco. Capacità: 3 g Tipo di pelle: tutti i tipi di pelle Cosmetici Applicare Zona: Labbra Effetto Cosmetico: Idratante, Nutriente, Ammorbidente, Rinforza la Pelle, Idratante Scadenza: 3 anni Come usare: PASSO 1. Prima di andare a dormire, applicalo spesso con una spatola dedicata. Efficacia: scioglie le cellule morte della pelle che sono state in giro tutta la notte e le dona molta idratazione. PASSO 2. La mattina dopo, rimuovi delicatamente con un fazzoletto o un batuffolo di cotone. Effetto: Rendi le tue labbra lisce senza cellule morte della pelle e prenditi cura delle tue labbra che stanno bene con il trucco delle labbra. Come l'ho usato. Ingrediente: diisostearil maleato, poliisobutene idrogenato, fitosterile / isostearile / cetil / stearil / behenyldimerdilinoleate, poli idrogenato (olefina C6-14), polibutene, cera magra di microcristalli, burro di karitè, cera sintetica, cera di Candelilla, saccarosio steatostearato / triacetato di butilene Copolimero stirene, copolimero etilene/propilene/stirene mica, burro di semi di palma, biossido di titanio, dimeticone, profumo, poligliceril-2 diisostearato, acido deidroacetico, meticone, cera carnauba, poligliceril-2 triisostearato, giallo n. 5, rosso 201, acido poliidrossistearico , Acqua purificata, alginato di potassio, propanediolo, glicerina, etanolo, estratto di bacche di goji, estratto di frutti di mirtillo di vite, estratto di fragola, estratto di lampone, estratto di paziente, estratto di barbabietola blu, estratto di semi di fragola jindeul, estratto di caffè, estratto di semi di quinoa, solfato di magnesio, cloruro di calcio, alluminato di sodio ad alto contenuto di Nate, beta-glucano, solfato di manganese, solfato di zinco, glucoside ascorbile SPEDIZIONE Tutti i prodotti acquistati presso il nostro negozio vengono spediti dalla Corea. -
Vibrant Colours Personalized Dog Collars And Leashes
Why Should Your Dog Have A Personalized Collar1 Out Of Every 3 Dogs Gets Lost At Some Point Of There Life. While Some People Chip Their Dog Not A Lot Of People Will Bring A Lost Dog To The Veterinarian To Find Their Owner.If Your Dog Is Wearing A Personalised Collar, People Can Easily Identify Them In Case They Get Lost.Why Our Collar5 Adjustment Holes For Adjustments 2 Inches Smaller Or Larger Than The Stated SizeUp To 2 Lines Of Engraved Text With Maximum 15 Characters Per LineMade Out Of Handcrafted English Bridle LeatherLaser Engraving Is Guaranteed For The Life Of Your PetPersonalized Stainless Steel Id Name Plate Built-InIvory Nylon Stitching For Durability And LooksNo Noisy Hanging Id TagsMatching Leashes AvailableWhat Size Do I NeedWhere Do I Leave The Info I Want On The CollarPlease Enter The Info You Want On The Collar In The Note Section Located In Your Shopping Cart.You Will Receive 1 x Dog Collar The merchant warrants that their products comply with all applicable laws, and are offered only if they comply with Joom’s policies and EU/AU/NZ/US Product Safety and Compliance laws. -
Coque pour Samsung Galaxy A33 5G La légende du Masque de Majora Zelda Jeux Vidéo
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Coque de protection pour Samsung Galaxy A33 5G en silicone noir Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits. -
The Doors Rainbow Iron On Patch
-Material: Cotton. - Fabric: Woven. - Length: 88mm. - Width: 40mm. - Design: Logo, Metallic, Rainbow. - 100% Officially Licensed.. - UK size :One Size, FR Size :Size, ES Size : Talla Unica , DE Size: Einheitsgröße, IT size: Taglia Unica, US & CA Size: One Size. - code: UTRO4630 -
Воблер Strike Pro Jumper DR 110SP 18.0г
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Арсенал любого рыболова, увлекающегося ловом пресноводных хищников, несомненно, имеет сразу нескольких воблеров категории «Минноу». Одними из самых популярных бюджетных приманок, которые, несмотря на доступную цену, имеют высокий уровень уловистости — это модели от тайванской компании Strike Pro. Если говорить о самом востребованном семействе «Минноу», то тут следует особое внимание обратить на воблер Strike Pro Jumper 110SP. -
5D Diamond Painting Cross Stitch Cute Cat Full Diamond Embroidery Cat Flower Rhinestones Home Decor
💎💎 You can view the store, there will be more diamond paintings to choose from. 💎💎 DIY diamond painting is popular in recent years as you spend less time but get full satisfaction. 💎 Glittering Diamond&HD Canvas Diamonds sparkling, never fade and more vibrant than resin diamond art kits, shinning for more than 20 years; high clear canvas is durable, water-proof and wrinkle-free with lifelike texture. 💎 Sticky Background&Green Glue The strong sticky background, environmental-friendly glue all make this full diamond pictures viscous and hold the gems stern than ever. 💎 Modern Decor&Perfect Gift The completed diamond painting kits bring aesthetic feeling to your living room when treating guests. Fun gifts for parents, kids and friends. 💎 DIY As You Wish DIY diamond painting enhances hands-on ability and cultivates good family bonding. Suitable for beginners, children nursery and adults. Canvas Size: 20cm in length;30cm in width (approx.)/7.87'' in length; 11.81'' in width (approx.) 30cm in length;40cm in width (approx.)/11.81'' in length; 15.74'' in width (approx.) 40cm in length;50cm in width (approx.)/15.74'' in length; 19.68'' in width (approx.) 50cm in length;70cm in width (approx.)/19.68'' in length; 27.56'' in width (approx.) (1cm=0.39Inches) Package Include: 1*Instruction 1*Canvas 1*Painting Pen 1*Painting Plate Some diamonds bags Painting Step: 1.Open the box and check the diamond tool. 2.Check the color of the resin diamond in a coded sequence. According to the introduction, you will see many symbols corresponding to the color coding. 3.The corresponding color coded fixture corresponding to resin inlay diamond. 4.Recommends a resin diamond set to finish faster. 5.In order to create a perfect diamond painting, painting in a place put together every line of symbols without leaving a diamond. 6.Good cut in the drawings, the arrangement of the array installed above the canvas. 7.Joints need to be packed, no cracks. Apply:Home Decoration, Christmas Gifts, Birthday Gifts ect. Specifications: Material:Plastic diamond, Canvas Note: 1.Do not let children play in order to avoid accidents such as swallowing. 2.Drawing need to be kept clean. 3.Please put it in the flat table when producing it. 4.We add 20% of the fake diamonds. In order to avoid the lack of diamonds, please don't throw away the remaining diamonds after you put the corresponding symbols, put them in a small self-sealing bag in the package, and write the diamond number. After you have finished the whole plastering, you can throw away the extra diamonds, or you can keep it yourself, thank you! -
Серебряная подвеска с опалом 1.134ct (1958667)
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- серебряная подвеска с опалом 1.134ct Вес, гр:1.42 Ширина, мм:10 Высота, мм:25 Камень: Опал благородный Вид камня: Искусственный Материал: Серебро 925 Покрытие: Родированное Размер: 925 Sterling Silver К данному товару есть комплект Кольцо, что бы его увидеть просто введите в поле поиска это значение: 1958759 К данному товару есть комплект Серьги, что бы его увидеть просто введите в поле поиска это значение: 1958728 *Вес полученного товара может не значительно отличаться от веса указанного на сайте. При заполнении характеристик мы указываем средний вес артикула. Родированные украшения дольше сохраняют свое первоначальное состояние, а именно цвет и блеск металла. Все ювелирные изделия представленные в нашем магазине прошли внутренний контроль качества. К каждому ювелирному украшению прилагаются бирка с указанием всех параметров. Опал – минералоид, очень похожий на кварц. Однако, в отличие от кварца, опал имеет переменное содержание воды. Писатели сравнивали опалы с вулканами, галактиками и фейерверками. Любители и ценители камня дали необычным опалам поэтичные названия: «Пандора», «Свет мира», «Императрица». В Древнем Риме этот драгоценный камень символизировал любовь и надежду. И именно римляне дали минералу название, которым мы пользуемся до сих пор – «опал», что означало «драгоценный камень». . При правильных условиях вода пропитывает землю, обогащенная растворенными силикатами. Когда вода попадает в полость, она осаждается в виде микроскопических сфер, которые затем образуют опалы. Если силикатные шарики в основании опала одинакового размера и формы и аккуратно уложены друг на друга, они будут рассеивать свет. Такие камни называют опалом (ювелирным). Если сферы, входящие в состав минерала, оказываются случайными по размеру, форме и положению, то получаются обычные опалы, неспособные проявлять выдающиеся оптические эффекты. В 1970 году Гилсон разработал трехэтапный процесс создания привлекательного синтетического опала. Во-первых, при осаждении образуются микроскопические шарики кремнезема. Затем шарики погружают в кислую воду более чем на год. Наконец, гидростатический пресс объединяет шарики, не искажая сложную структуру, создавая игру опалового цвета. Однако не стоит сразу расстраиваться: нередко искусственный опал может стать хорошей альтернативой натуральному камню. Его очевидные преимущества – высокая устойчивость к внешним воздействиям и отсутствие реакции на слишком низкую влажность, от которой так страдают натуральные опалы. Сегодня синтетические опалы научились изготавливать действительно высокого качества, и их необычные переливы выглядят очень эффектно. При этом разница в цене может быть действительно огромной. Многие культуры приписывают опалу сверхъестественное происхождение и силу. Арабские легенды гласят, что он падает с неба вспышками молнии. Древние греки считали, что опалы наделяют своих владельцев даром пророчества и защищают от болезней. Европейцы издавна считали драгоценный камень символом надежды, чистоты и правды. Опал, по древним поверьям, способен поддерживать таланты своего владельца, причем неважно, направлены они в сторону добра или зла. Опал – эмоциональный камень, отражающий настроение хозяина. Он усиливает эмоции и снимает запреты. Он поощряет свободу и независимость. Опал стимулирует оригинальность и творчество. Это поможет вам освободить свой гнев и выразить себя, помогая вам найти и выразить свое истинное «я». . Считалось, что в опале содержится вода,... -
Souris Sans Fil Tiger Cartoon
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. Diamo priorità alla sicurezza assicurandoci che tutti i nostri venditori dispongano delle certificazioni necessarie per i prodotti che vendono. Per i prodotti elettronici, si tratta della presenza della marcatura CE e di un certificato sul prodotto. ----- Souris Sans Fil Tiger Cartoon , livrée avec clé USB wifi Compatible Mac et PC Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits. -
Coque pour Samsung Galaxy A13 4G / A13 4G Lite Fear The Walking Dead Série
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Coque de protection pour Samsung Galaxy A13 4G / A13 4G Lite en silicone noir Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits. -
Coque pour Xiaomi Poco M3 Pro Son goku dragon ball corps enervé
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Coque de protection pour Xiaomi Poco M3 Pro Son goku dragon ball corps enervé Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits. -
Women's Fashion Casual Pants Vintage Gothic Othic Print High Waist Trousers
Women's Fashion Casual Pants Vintage Gothic Othic Print High Waist Trousers Label: Yes Washing Care: Hand or machine wash maximum temperature 30, line dry, iron at low temperature Size: Length: Waist: Hip: Thigh: S 102cm 62-70cm 81-91cm 48.5-54.5cm M 103cm 66-74cm 85-95cm 50.5-56.5cm L 104cm 70-78cm 89-99cm 52.5-58.5cm Features: 1.It is made of high quality materials,durable enought for your daily wearing 2.Stylish and fashion design make you more attractive 3.Perfect Match with your favorite shorts,leggings, black slacks, denim jeans, etc 4.Great for Daily,Casual,I am sure you will like it! Product information: Season:Four seasons Gender:Womens Occasion:Daily,Casual Material:polyester Pattern Type: Printed Style:Casual,fashion Decoration:Printed Fit:Fits ture to size Thickness:Standard How to wash:Hand wash Cold,Hang or Line Dry What you get:1 pc pants Note Please compare the detail sizes with yours before you buy!!! Colors may be slightly different depending on computer and monitor settings -
Coque pour Samsung Galaxy J5 Formule 1 McLaren Voiture Bleu
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Coque de protection pour Samsung Galaxy J5 Formule 1 McLaren Voiture Bleu Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits. -
Three piece picture canvas print Orchid flower abstract
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Latest print technology UVgel FLXfinish. Pictures on canvas are resistant to abrasion, scratches and dirt. Material - highest quality interlining canvas 130 g/m2 produced in Germany. Picture finish is hardened with UV rays therefore additional lamination is not needed. Canvas is stretched on a 2 cm thick MDF frame. Picture is printed over on each side, does not require any additional frame and is ready to be hung right out of the box. Production takes place in the European Union per individual client's order. -
Feeby Canvas print, Banksy soldiers and painted peace sign
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Wall decoration printed on real canvas with a weight of 260 g/sqm. Canvas stretched on a folded MDF frame and a hanger included make this painting ready to hang right after unpacking. -
Bagbase Compact Junior Dance Messenger Bag (15 Litres)
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- - Retro styling. - Can be carried by hand or over the shoulder. - Detachable adjustable shoulder strap. - Zippered main compartment. - Zippered front pocket. - Internal mesh pocket. - Internal baseboard. - Dimensions: 39 x 29 x 16 cm. - Max embroidery: 15 tubular hoop. - Max print area: 30 x 15 cm. - Capacity: 15 litres. - Weight: Product: 520g. - 600D Polyester.. - UK size :One Size, FR Size :Taille, ES Size : Talla Única , DE Size: Einheitsgröße, IT size: Taglia unica, US & CA Size: One Size . - Code: UTBC3135 -
Dorothy Perkins Womens/Ladies Ditsy Print Tie Sleeves Blouse
- 100% Viscose. - Design: Ditsy Print. - Sleeve-Type: Short Sleeves, Tie Sleeves. - Neckline: Square Neck. - Style: tea.. - UK size :10 UK, FR Size :38 FR, ES Size : 38 EU , DE Size: 36 DE, IT size: 42 EU, US & CA Size: 6 US. - UK size :12 UK, FR Size :40 FR, ES Size : 40 EU , DE Size: 38 DE, IT size: 44 EU, US & CA Size: 8 US. - UK size :14 UK, FR Size :42 FR, ES Size : 42 EU , DE Size: 40 DE, IT size: 46 EU, US & CA Size: US10. - UK size :16 UK, FR Size :44 FR, ES Size : 44 EU , DE Size: 42 DE, IT size: 48 EU, US & CA Size: 12 US. - UK size :18 UK, FR Size :46 FR, ES Size : 46 EU , DE Size: 44 DE, IT size: 50 EU, US & CA Size: 14 US. - UK size :8 UK, FR Size :36 FR, ES Size : 36 EU , DE Size: 34 DE, IT size: 40 EU, US & CA Size: 4 US. - code: UTDP2001 -
Mosimoso Home H738 Dot Sole Digital Print Carpet
It is Digital Printed on a stain-resistant, foal hair velvety carpet fabric. It is made of non-slip and non-spill Dot soleplate. Pile Height is 4 mm. It is antibacterial. It does not contain substances harmful to nature and human health. It does not contain carcinogenic substances. Does not hold dust and stains. You can wash your carpet at 30°C in the washing machine or by hand to flexible and foldable structure. Do not use fabric softener or bleach. Do not squeeze or pinch. Made in Turkey,handmade. Listed By ENTEGRA -
Autumn Pond Full Round Diamond Picture Natural Diamond Embroidery Landscape Pattern Rhinestones
💎💎 You can view the store, there will be more diamond paintings to choose from. 💎💎 DIY diamond painting is popular in recent years as you spend less time but get full satisfaction. 💎 Glittering Diamond&HD Canvas Diamonds sparkling, never fade and more vibrant than resin diamond art kits, shinning for more than 20 years; high clear canvas is durable, water-proof and wrinkle-free with lifelike texture. 💎 Sticky Background&Green Glue The strong sticky background, environmental-friendly glue all make this full diamond pictures viscous and hold the gems stern than ever. 💎 Modern Decor&Perfect Gift The completed diamond painting kits bring aesthetic feeling to your living room when treating guests. Fun gifts for parents, kids and friends. 💎 DIY As You Wish DIY diamond painting enhances hands-on ability and cultivates good family bonding. Suitable for beginners, children nursery and adults. Canvas Size: 20cm in length;30cm in width (approx.)/7.87'' in length; 11.81'' in width (approx.) 30cm in length;40cm in width (approx.)/11.81'' in length; 15.74'' in width (approx.) 40cm in length;50cm in width (approx.)/15.74'' in length; 19.68'' in width (approx.) 50cm in length;70cm in width (approx.)/19.68'' in length; 27.56'' in width (approx.) (1cm=0.39Inches) Package Include: 1*Instruction 1*Canvas 1*Painting Pen 1*Painting Plate Some diamonds bags Painting Step: 1.Open the box and check the diamond tool. 2.Check the color of the resin diamond in a coded sequence. According to the introduction, you will see many symbols corresponding to the color coding. 3.The corresponding color coded fixture corresponding to resin inlay diamond. 4.Recommends a resin diamond set to finish faster. 5.In order to create a perfect diamond painting, painting in a place put together every line of symbols without leaving a diamond. 6.Good cut in the drawings, the arrangement of the array installed above the canvas. 7.Joints need to be packed, no cracks. Apply:Home Decoration, Christmas Gifts, Birthday Gifts ect. Specifications: Material:Plastic diamond, Canvas Note: 1.Do not let children play in order to avoid accidents such as swallowing. 2.Drawing need to be kept clean. 3.Please put it in the flat table when producing it. 4.We add 20% of the fake diamonds. In order to avoid the lack of diamonds, please don't throw away the remaining diamonds after you put the corresponding symbols, put them in a small self-sealing bag in the package, and write the diamond number. After you have finished the whole plastering, you can throw away the extra diamonds, or you can keep it yourself, thank you! -
Coque pour Iphone XS Max BTS TinyTAN Animation Affiche RM Jin Suga J-Hope Jimin Jungkook Et V Mic Drop Danse
Joom: Il venditore garantisce di rispettare tutte le leggi applicabili nella regione, inclusa la vendita di prodotti conformi alle politiche di Joom e alle leggi sulla sicurezza e la conformità dei prodotti dell'UE. ----- Coque de protection pour Iphone XS Max en silicone noir Le vendeur confirme que ses produits sont conformes à toutes les lois applicables et ne sont proposés que s'ils sont conformes aux politiques de Joom et aux lois européennes sur la sécurité et la conformité des produits.