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Mostrati 3661-3680 di 10000 Articoli:

  • Passatoia gomma rotolo 15 mt tappeto morbido piscina cucina bagno tovaglia ripiano bar disp - Passatoia Gomma Rotolo 15 MT Tappeto Morbido Piscina Cucina Bagno Tovaglia Ripiano Bar Dis.P

    * Passatoia in gomma morbida e antiscivolo 100% MADE IN ITALY (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * IDEALE PER: Bordi piscina, Sottolavelli, Sottobicchieri, Scendidoccia ecc… * MISURA: Lunghezza 15 metri / Larghezza 65 cm / Spessore 5 mm * MATERIALE: 90% Vinile / 10% Poliestere * Per uso interno o esterno, resistente agli agenti atmosferici e ai raggi UV.

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  • Tappeto sottociotola tovaglietta 75x135 cm pvc impermeabile antisfilo antiscivolo cane gatto disc - Tappeto Sottociotola Tovaglietta 75x135 cm Pvc Impermeabile Antisfilo Antiscivolo Cane Gatto Dis.C

    * Tappeto sottociotola impermeabile. 100% Made In Italy (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * Rendi unico lo spazio del tuo amico a 4 zampe con il nostro tappeto sottociotola! Questo tappeto e realizzato con una stampa digitale di altissima qualita su superfice in PVC compatta e liscia. Puo essere utilizzato anche in ambienti esterni. È sicuro e non tossico, morbido e resistente, anallergico e non causera allergie al tuo animale domestico. * Spessore: 2 mm -- Composizione: 100% PVC. E' totalmente antisfilo e dunque si possono rifinire forme e ritagli non lineari con estrema facilita. Il fondo e antiscivolo, combinato ad una superfice compatta e liscia lo rendono resistente all'usura nel tempo. È un'ottima soluzione per mantenere pulito il pavimento. * Si pulisce facilmente con un panno umido oppure con il semplice passaggio di uno straccio. La composizione dei suoi materiali lo rendono non assorbente e quindi ANTIMACCHIA. Lavabile anche in lavatrice in acqua fredda.

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  • Tappeto sottociotola tovaglietta 38x60 cm pvc impermeabile antisfilo antiscivolo cane gatto disc - Tappeto Sottociotola Tovaglietta 38x60 cm Pvc Impermeabile Antisfilo Antiscivolo Cane Gatto Dis.C

    * Tappeto sottociotola impermeabile. 100% Made In Italy (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * Rendi unico lo spazio del tuo amico a 4 zampe con il nostro tappeto sottociotola! Questo tappeto e realizzato con una stampa digitale di altissima qualita su superfice in PVC compatta e liscia. Puo essere utilizzato anche in ambienti esterni. È sicuro e non tossico, morbido e resistente, anallergico e non causera allergie al tuo animale domestico. * Spessore: 2 mm -- Composizione: 100% PVC. E' totalmente antisfilo e dunque si possono rifinire forme e ritagli non lineari con estrema facilita. Il fondo e antiscivolo, combinato ad una superfice compatta e liscia lo rendono resistente all'usura nel tempo. È un'ottima soluzione per mantenere pulito il pavimento. * Si pulisce facilmente con un panno umido oppure con il semplice passaggio di uno straccio. La composizione dei suoi materiali lo rendono non assorbente e quindi ANTIMACCHIA. Lavabile anche in lavatrice in acqua fredda.

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  • Tappeto sottociotola tovaglietta 30x46 cm pvc impermeabile antisfilo antiscivolo cane gatto disc - Tappeto Sottociotola Tovaglietta 30x46 cm Pvc Impermeabile Antisfilo Antiscivolo Cane Gatto Dis.C

    * Tappeto sottociotola impermeabile. 100% Made In Italy (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * Rendi unico lo spazio del tuo amico a 4 zampe con il nostro tappeto sottociotola! Questo tappeto e realizzato con una stampa digitale di altissima qualita su superfice in PVC compatta e liscia. Puo essere utilizzato anche in ambienti esterni. È sicuro e non tossico, morbido e resistente, anallergico e non causera allergie al tuo animale domestico. * Spessore: 2 mm -- Composizione: 100% PVC. E' totalmente antisfilo e dunque si possono rifinire forme e ritagli non lineari con estrema facilita. Il fondo e antiscivolo, combinato ad una superfice compatta e liscia lo rendono resistente all'usura nel tempo. È un'ottima soluzione per mantenere pulito il pavimento. * Si pulisce facilmente con un panno umido oppure con il semplice passaggio di uno straccio. La composizione dei suoi materiali lo rendono non assorbente e quindi ANTIMACCHIA. Lavabile anche in lavatrice in acqua fredda.

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  • Tappeto sottociotola tovaglietta 50x70 cm pvc impermeabile antisfilo antiscivolo cane gatto disc - Tappeto Sottociotola Tovaglietta 50x70 cm Pvc Impermeabile Antisfilo Antiscivolo Cane Gatto Dis.C

    * Tappeto sottociotola impermeabile. 100% Made In Italy (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * Rendi unico lo spazio del tuo amico a 4 zampe con il nostro tappeto sottociotola! Questo tappeto e realizzato con una stampa digitale di altissima qualita su superfice in PVC compatta e liscia. Puo essere utilizzato anche in ambienti esterni. È sicuro e non tossico, morbido e resistente, anallergico e non causera allergie al tuo animale domestico. * Spessore: 2 mm -- Composizione: 100% PVC. E' totalmente antisfilo e dunque si possono rifinire forme e ritagli non lineari con estrema facilita. Il fondo e antiscivolo, combinato ad una superfice compatta e liscia lo rendono resistente all'usura nel tempo. È un'ottima soluzione per mantenere pulito il pavimento. * Si pulisce facilmente con un panno umido oppure con il semplice passaggio di uno straccio. La composizione dei suoi materiali lo rendono non assorbente e quindi ANTIMACCHIA. Lavabile anche in lavatrice in acqua fredda.

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  • Tappeto sottociotola tovaglietta 75x135 cm pvc impermeabile antisfilo antiscivolo cane gatto disb - Tappeto Sottociotola Tovaglietta 75x135 cm Pvc Impermeabile Antisfilo Antiscivolo Cane Gatto Dis.B

    * Tappeto sottociotola impermeabile. 100% Made In Italy (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * Rendi unico lo spazio del tuo amico a 4 zampe con il nostro tappeto sottociotola! Questo tappeto e realizzato con una stampa digitale di altissima qualita su superfice in PVC compatta e liscia. Puo essere utilizzato anche in ambienti esterni. È sicuro e non tossico, morbido e resistente, anallergico e non causera allergie al tuo animale domestico. * Spessore: 2 mm -- Composizione: 100% PVC. E' totalmente antisfilo e dunque si possono rifinire forme e ritagli non lineari con estrema facilita. Il fondo e antiscivolo, combinato ad una superfice compatta e liscia lo rendono resistente all'usura nel tempo. È un'ottima soluzione per mantenere pulito il pavimento. * Si pulisce facilmente con un panno umido oppure con il semplice passaggio di uno straccio. La composizione dei suoi materiali lo rendono non assorbente e quindi ANTIMACCHIA. Lavabile anche in lavatrice in acqua fredda.

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  • Tappeto sottociotola tovaglietta 50x70 cm pvc impermeabile antisfilo antiscivolo cane gatto disb - Tappeto Sottociotola Tovaglietta 50x70 cm Pvc Impermeabile Antisfilo Antiscivolo Cane Gatto Dis.B

    * Tappeto sottociotola impermeabile. 100% Made In Italy (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * Rendi unico lo spazio del tuo amico a 4 zampe con il nostro tappeto sottociotola! Questo tappeto e realizzato con una stampa digitale di altissima qualita su superfice in PVC compatta e liscia. Puo essere utilizzato anche in ambienti esterni. È sicuro e non tossico, morbido e resistente, anallergico e non causera allergie al tuo animale domestico. * Spessore: 2 mm -- Composizione: 100% PVC. E' totalmente antisfilo e dunque si possono rifinire forme e ritagli non lineari con estrema facilita. Il fondo e antiscivolo, combinato ad una superfice compatta e liscia lo rendono resistente all'usura nel tempo. È un'ottima soluzione per mantenere pulito il pavimento. * Si pulisce facilmente con un panno umido oppure con il semplice passaggio di uno straccio. La composizione dei suoi materiali lo rendono non assorbente e quindi ANTIMACCHIA. Lavabile anche in lavatrice in acqua fredda.

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  • Tappeto sottociotola tovaglietta 38x60 cm pvc impermeabile antisfilo antiscivolo cane gatto disb - Tappeto Sottociotola Tovaglietta 38x60 cm Pvc Impermeabile Antisfilo Antiscivolo Cane Gatto Dis.B

    * Tappeto sottociotola impermeabile. 100% Made In Italy (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * Rendi unico lo spazio del tuo amico a 4 zampe con il nostro tappeto sottociotola! Questo tappeto e realizzato con una stampa digitale di altissima qualita su superfice in PVC compatta e liscia. Puo essere utilizzato anche in ambienti esterni. È sicuro e non tossico, morbido e resistente, anallergico e non causera allergie al tuo animale domestico. * Spessore: 2 mm -- Composizione: 100% PVC. E' totalmente antisfilo e dunque si possono rifinire forme e ritagli non lineari con estrema facilita. Il fondo e antiscivolo, combinato ad una superfice compatta e liscia lo rendono resistente all'usura nel tempo. È un'ottima soluzione per mantenere pulito il pavimento. * Si pulisce facilmente con un panno umido oppure con il semplice passaggio di uno straccio. La composizione dei suoi materiali lo rendono non assorbente e quindi ANTIMACCHIA. Lavabile anche in lavatrice in acqua fredda.

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  • Passatoia gomma rotolo 15 mt tappeto morbido piscina cucina bagno tovaglia ripiano bar disf - Passatoia Gomma Rotolo 15 MT Tappeto Morbido Piscina Cucina Bagno Tovaglia Ripiano Bar Dis.F

    * Passatoia in gomma morbida e antiscivolo 100% MADE IN ITALY (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * IDEALE PER: Bordi piscina, Sottolavelli, Sottobicchieri, Scendidoccia ecc… * MISURA: Lunghezza 15 metri / Larghezza 65 cm / Spessore 5 mm * MATERIALE: 90% Vinile / 10% Poliestere * Per uso interno o esterno, resistente agli agenti atmosferici e ai raggi UV.

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  • Passatoia gomma rotolo 15 mt tappeto morbido piscina cucina bagno tovaglia ripiano bar disd - Passatoia Gomma Rotolo 15 MT Tappeto Morbido Piscina Cucina Bagno Tovaglia Ripiano Bar Dis.D

    * Passatoia in gomma morbida e antiscivolo 100% MADE IN ITALY (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * IDEALE PER: Bordi piscina, Sottolavelli, Sottobicchieri, Scendidoccia ecc… * MISURA: Lunghezza 15 metri / Larghezza 65 cm / Spessore 5 mm * MATERIALE: 90% Vinile / 10% Poliestere * Per uso interno o esterno, resistente agli agenti atmosferici e ai raggi UV.

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  • Passatoia gomma rotolo 15 mt tappeto morbido piscina cucina bagno tovaglia ripiano bar dise - Passatoia Gomma Rotolo 15 MT Tappeto Morbido Piscina Cucina Bagno Tovaglia Ripiano Bar Dis.E

    * Passatoia in gomma morbida e antiscivolo 100% MADE IN ITALY (noi crediamo che il made in Italy possa ancora assicurare qualita e sicurezza). * IDEALE PER: Bordi piscina, Sottolavelli, Sottobicchieri, Scendidoccia ecc… * MISURA: Lunghezza 15 metri / Larghezza 65 cm / Spessore 5 mm * MATERIALE: 90% Vinile / 10% Poliestere * Per uso interno o esterno, resistente agli agenti atmosferici e ai raggi UV.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 37 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 160 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 37 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 160 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 37 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 32 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 230 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 32 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 230 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 32 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 42 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 200 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 42 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 200 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 42 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 47 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 230 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 47 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 230 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 47 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 52 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 80 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 52 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 80 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 52 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 47 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 160 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 47 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 160 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 47 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 37 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 230 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 37 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 230 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 37 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 42 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 80 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 42 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 80 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 42 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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  • Colonna di gabbioni diametro 47 cm maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm altezza 80 cm - Colonna di gabbioni diametro 47 cm, maglia rotonda 5 x 5 cm - altezza: 80 cm

    - Gabion dimensions: 47 cm (Ø)- Mesh size grid:5 x 5 cm- Material:wire (diameter 4 mm) galvanized - Coating:zinc-aluminium min 350 g/m2- Salt spray test (DIN EN ISO 9227):> 3.000 hrs.- Tensile strength wire:> 500 N/mm2- Shear strength of spot welds:> 3,5 kN Scope of delivery:Prefabricated column 1 Spiral Filling (not included in delivery) Curved and closed with spiral Our gabion columns are formed from only one grid. This type of production not only results in a particularly harmonious appearance, but also ensures maximum stability. Due to this stability, our columns do not require any additional spacers. The side closure is made with a spiral as standard. GABIONA® - Tested quality - Made in Germany Experience a piece of German quality workmanship with our gabions. We place particularly high demands on our gabions for you: Durability of the coating, great tensile strength of the wire, high shear strength of the welding points. The strength of the welding points in particular is the most important criterion for the stability of the grids - and thus of the entire construction. Here there are - depending on the manufacturer - great differences in quality. We have all quality features tested regularly by testing laboratories. The high level of our quality is your security. GABIONA® - Gabions: The all-rounders for your garden Discover our versatile columns for yourself. There are no limits to your creativity. The possibilities for use are manifold. Do you want a decorative eye-catcher for your garden? Use our columns as individual elements. Use gabion columns as classic fence posts connect privacy screen or fence elements with them. In this way, you not only secure your property boundary, but also create a tasteful eye-catcher. Harmonious appearance with maximum stability, our manufacturing process guarantees this. The columns are produced from only one mesh mat. The corners are elegantly rounded, the round version is completely curved and so stable that no spacers are needed. On one side, the galvanised columns are closed with a spiral. The basket is delivered ready-built you don't have to assemble it, just fill it.

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